Saturday, March 28, 2009


Knowledge, experience and understanding together can describe wisdom. It is the power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action. Being wise is a good goal in life and the following is a list of important points.

• A wise person can discern the core of important problems.
• A wise person has self knowledge.
• A wise person seems sincere and direct with others.
• Others ask wise people for advice.
• A wise person's actions are consistent with his/her ethical beliefs.

Many, but not all, studies find that adults' self-ratings of perspective/wisdom do not depend on age. This stands in contrast to the popular notion that wisdom increases with age. In the following video by Andrew Zuckerman, Judy Dench says she thinks as she has got older she has become more silly. Check this out-

Wisdom should not be taken for granted.

Take the test - to see how wise you are. This is a good one.